About our Tax Credit
Consulting Firm

Providing a variety of consulting services to clients throughout the United States since 1995.​

Since 1995, Brian Wishneff & Associates (BW&A) has provided a variety of tax credit consulting services to clients throughout the United States. Most of our recent work has focused on assisting both tax-exempt entities and for-profit developers take advantage of various tax credits and other financial incentives to help fund their real estate projects. This can be done by monetizing federal or state tax credits through sale or transfer of these credits to private investors. This process is called “tax credit syndication”.  Our work typically involves the legal and financial structuring, securing, and syndication of Historic tax credits, New Markets tax credits, Renewable Energy tax credits, and other various tax credits on federal and state levels.

"BW&A will not only help to guide project sponsors through this process, but will also utilize our experience to generate the most money for your project."

While these financial incentives can offer a tremendous benefit to a project, navigating through applicable rules and regulations to take advantage of all available tax credit programs often takes significant expertise.  In addition, developing a project strategy can be a crucial component of ensuring that you will receive the maximum possible benefit from these programs. Brian Wishneff & Associates will not only help to guide project sponsors through this process, but will also utilize our experience to generate the most money for your project. We have significant experience in twinning, tripling, or even quadrupling the use of credits in one project. In short, if you need tax credits or cash for your personal affairs or business affairs, we have solutions.

BW&A has worked on projects as small as $1,000,000 and as large as $300,000,000, giving it the knowledge needed to guide your project smoothly and efficiently through the process of qualifying for and receiving tax credits as well as any other available financial incentives. BW&A can assist project sponsors to use available financial incentives in a way that best suits each scenario. Our tax credit consulting firm has built strong long-standing relationships with many tax credit investors and therefore, can ensure that each project receives the highest possible payment for its credits. Finding the right tax credit investor for each project is essential to ensuring the highest yield for the generated tax credits. In addition, for ultra-competitive programs such as the New Markets Tax Credit, we feel our relationships with people in the industry bring these credits to your project.

We have a history of working with both public and private entities on projects ranging from theaters to museums, hotels to office buildings, schools to retail establishments.  Therefore, we understand the specific interests of a given project sponsor. Because each project is unique, we offer a wide range of consulting services and the flexibility to only provide you the services you need. Our role may vary from simply tax credit consulting all the way to co-developer, depending on the given needs of a project.  We also have the ability to take on challenging real estate development projects. Because of our experience with these various financial incentive programs and our ability to creatively structure transactions, whether it be a public-private partnership, joint venture, or other circumstance, we will find a solution that best meet the needs of all parties in a given project.  Whether you are interested in a comprehensive developer or simply need a tax credit investor for your project, we can put completion and success within reach for you.

BW&A consults for a variety of tax credit programs.

If you feel your project might qualify for a tax credit and are interested in how to monetize it, ask how BW&A can maximize your project’s potential.

A tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction in tax liability. Unlike deductions and exemptions that reduce taxable income, credits directly reduce taxes owed.

Project Highlights